King Plumbing Hobart Tasmania - Are you ruining Your Drains? Here's what you need to know.

Are you ruining Your Drains? Here's what you need to know.

Are you ruining Your Drains? Here's what you need to know.

When it comes to the care of your home plumbing system, what you can't see happening in your homes waste pipes can be causing damage. Some of the worst damage and blockages can result from seemingly normal behaviour, but what you don't know, normal behaviour can cause long-term problems. Fortunately, an understanding of waste pipes and drains can rectify the damage.

Here are what you may think is ok, but maybe leading to severe drain damage.

A Garbage Disposal used as a Garbage Can:

Householders regularly make a mistake by inserting all types of kitchen waste down their garbage disposals and expecting it mulched into the harmless matter. Unfortunately, poor garbage disposal care is one of the leading causes of blocked drains and damage to the disposal unit.

While you may think a garbage disposal unit is full of razor-sharp blades, disposals don't have cutters. The garbage disposal has teeth that grind and break up food, becoming highly susceptible to be jammed by-products that won't break down. Even when they break up material like bones, they will not be fine enough to pass through easily. Over time, they build up inside the garbage disposal and stick to the grease and inner workings of the disposal unit.

Ignoring Plumbing Inspections:

A homes drainage system sees a lot of use. Even if you're obsessively careful about what goes down your drains, eventually, minor issues will develop. Food particles and clumps of hair buildup in the plumbing system eventually becoming clogs. Routine checks and maintenance help avoid many of these problems. A Homeowner should perform a drain inspection for six months and schedule a professional inspection by a licensed plumber once a year.

Chemical Cleaning Products:

homeowners are surprised when they learn chemical cleaning products for blocked drains can cause permanent damage to their pipes. While chemicals may get the drain pipe flowing again, they also eat away at the pipes interior lining, making them weak, thin and prone to leaking resulting in water damage. And if your home is on a septic tank, the chemicals cleaner will also kill the waste-eating bacteria that septic tanks need to break down waste effectively.

Fortunately, alternatives to these chemicals are available. Homemade solutions of hot water, vinegar, and baking soda can be used instead of commercial-grade cleaners and have less risk to your plumbing.

Unlicensed handyman projects:

While performing minor repairs around a home is common, plumbing is a system that must be carefully understood and comply with strict regulations to function correctly. For the inexperienced, accidentally breaking pipes and not understanding different types of fittings to mistakes to accidentally blocking off vents, there are many ways for an amateur handyman to cause severe damage to a plumbing system. When in doubt, contact a professional.

Foreign Objects Flushed Down the Toilet:

The overflowing toilet is the most common problem drainage plumbers face regularly. Homeowners are routinely reminded not to flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper. Paper towels, feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, food, and many unique products find their way down the toilet every year. The problem is that the toilet flushes into the home's sewer line. When the toilet starts to overflow, there's a strong chance the entire property will be blocked as well.

Don't believe products that advertise as "safe to flush." Most of them are non-biodegradable material that doesn't disintegrate quickly, so even if it doesn't block up the toilet, it will likely stick further down the sewage line. These blockages are more challenging and require a professional drain cleaning plumber with the correct tools to dislodge the obstruction.

Keeping your homes plumbing in working order should not be a difficult task. With awareness and common sense, you can avoid blocked drains and expensive repairs. If you end up with an overflowing drain, the wisest decision is to contact a professional drain cleaning plumbing contractor to rectify the situation.

Facing a plumbing problem like an overflowing drain can turn a good day into a bad one fast! But with the help of King Plumbing, drain blockages can be taken care of quickly. If you need a local and reliable plumbing contractor, King Plumbing, Telephone 0413-586-724