Copper Versus Plastic Water Pipes - Home Improvement
Published by King Plumbing,
Copper Versus Plastic Water Pipes
In most of the world these days there are two conventional plumbing systems used for inwall water services. The oldest and most common is a copper pipe, the other is the newer plastic pex (Cross-linked polyethylene). Pex plumbing pipe was developed in the 1960s and accepted by plumbing standards and codes around the world. However, you should always check with your local authority for requirements or restrictions for Pex before using for plumbing installations. The Majority of plumbers these days tend to favour plastic pipes. Copper pipes are a rigid material, harder to install, needing more bends and joints when a change of direction occurs, and time-consuming when feeding through walls and tight spaces. Plastics pipes, on the other hand, push through wall cavities and tight spaces with ease. A joint or connection in a flexible pex pipe system is incredibly easy to do; you can either crimp a copper or stainless steel ring over a brass fitting inserted inside the pipe or push a pex pipe into a fitting designed to grab the pipe with a circle of teeth to seal the connection. With many fitting and joining options, unlike copper, no flame used is for joining.making it a risk-free option.
7 Reasons Why Plumbers Are Using Plastic More and More:
- Plastic pipe is bent by hand and is flexible and light to handle, making it less time consuming and easily installed.
- Plastic piping can not burst. Copper piping outdoors in colder climates tends to freeze and burst.
- Water flows quietly through a plastic pex pipe, and the "water hammer" noise commonly found in a copper pipe systems is removed.
- Plastic pex water pipe systems tend to be cheaper than copper systems, with the labour and pipe component being cheaper.
- Plastic pipes come in colours, red for hot, black for cold making identification for installation issues and future renovations a lot easier. Adaptors are available to connect pex pipe to most other pipe materials including PVC, copper, steel.
- Heat loss in pex hot water pipes tends to be a lot slower due to plastic transferring heat loss slower than copper. Pex does not corrode, Electrolysis and Acidic Water overtime corrode the copper pipe. Compared to copper, Pex is a more resilient product.
- Attaching plastic pex pipes to fittings does not require soldering with a flame, removing health hazards involved with lead-based solder and acid fluxes. And the danger of setting a timber house frame and insulation on fire is removed,
In Conclusion:
Plumbing a large project, such as a new house or a major commercial building, a plastic pex water piping system is the way to go. It will save you money, even after purchasing a crimp tool. The completion time for installing plastic pex piping is a lot faster, so other trades are not held up waiting. When installed correctly, there should be no future problems with corrosion, heat-loss or noise transfer. So all in all when your plumber asks you what do you prefer, do not hesitate to say Pex Cross-linked polyethylene.